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Is Your Well About To Dry Up? 3 Warning Signs

Admin • February 9, 2021
Woman Thinking of Something — Climax, NC — Action Well & Pump Repair

Over 43 million people in the country rely on private wells as their primary source of household water. If the well taps into a rich aquifer, you expect a constant supply of water for many years to come. However, the effects of drought can lower groundwater levels and this problem requires prompt action. For example, a well contractor can lower the pump, deepen the well, or drill a new well after an assessment of the water levels.

As a private well owner, your biggest fear is for the well to dry up and cause water supply problems. To avoid such a situation, stay on the lookout for the following warning signs.

1. Deteriorating Water Quality

If the aquifer is rich in water, the pump system always delivers clean water with no odor or smell. A reduction in groundwater levels leads to a supply of murky water with a foul smell. When the water levels fall, the pump system continues to suction any liquid available. With no clean water in the aquifer, the system draws the little water available mixed with sediment.

If you notice any change in the quality of your water, contact your well pump contractor for professional inspection. Your neighbors could also have a similar problem which would indicate the aquifer supplying your wells has dried up.

A well installation expert has the prerequisite equipment and expertise to troubleshoot and diagnose any well problems. After a water level test, the well contractor can decide to lower the pump as a short-term solution before the rains come.

If the well stays dry for a longer spell, the professional can recommend hydrofracturing to clear silt and sediment in the aquifer. Another option is to deepen the well to restore the water supply.

2. Sputtering Water Flow

When the faucets sputter, this situation points to air presence in the pump's plumbing. Air mostly enters the well system through leaks or valve problems. If the faucets continue to sputter after repairs, this points to low groundwater levels.

The well pump system continues to work at the same rate, but with inadequate water in the well, air slips into the pipes. A problematic flow of the water wastes a lot of energy and increases the cost of well maintenance.

3. Overworking Well Pump

If the pump runs more than usual, it's likely that the water levels in the well are low. The same applies to a situation where the well pump constantly turns itself on and off more frequently than is normal. All these signs are indications of a pump working in overdrive to compensate for low water levels in the well and they require professional inspection.

The frequent cycles can cause damage to your well pump and reduce its lifespan. The pump system also consumes more energy to ensure a constant supply of water above ground. If you notice any unusual pattern in the pump's cycle, get a qualified contractor to check the condition of your well.

A private well reduces water costs, guarantees a constant supply of clean water, and improves property value. To enjoy all these benefits, keep a close watch on the installation and report anything unusual to a qualified well contractor. If there are any signs of reduced water levels, your well systems professional can give the best recommendation to ensure an uninterrupted supply of water to your property.

If you have any well problems in the Triad and Triangle area, our team at Action Well and Pump is ready to help. We're a family-owned, well pump company with over 20 years' experience of exceptional service to this community. Contact us today for any well services in this area of North Carolina.

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