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Well Repair, Well Pump Repair, Pressurized Bladder Tanks, All Types Of Water Filtration
Your water well may be a reliable source of water that operates automatically whenever it's needed, but don't be fooled into forgetting its maintenance needs. After all, a well and pump have many moving parts and do need regular professional maintenance and occasional repairs.
You'll need to hire an expert to ensure the best results with your well care regime. Not only do they have the training and experience, but well professionals have all the equipment to get the job done right. Discover some of the types of equipment and materials a professional may use to maintain or repair wells.
Well Flow Meter
A well flow meter is a tool that allows your well expert to check essential well operation specifics such as the system pressure and the water flow rate of your well. These specifics can offer insight into the health of the well, so checking them at periodic well maintenance visits or inspections is critical.
Based on the results from the well flow meter, your well professional can tell you if your water pressure and well yield are adequate. If not, you may need repairs or even a booster pump or some other well aid to help the well along.
Well Sounder or Water Level Probe
The water level in your well can vary by season, and it could be extra low if you place too much strain on the well's water supply. To check for any potential issues with water level and water supply, your well care professional will check the water level periodically.
To check the level, your well maintenance technician may use a device such as a sonic well sounder or an electric water level probe. Both can provide quick, accurate readings. A sonic well sounder fires sound waves to detect the distance of the water, and an electric water level probe sends down a wire that electrically detects when it hits the water surface.
A low water level can sometimes offer a signal that something is wrong with the well. But even if the water level is normal, measuring it is important because this gives you and your well expert a baseline for a normal water level reading for your particular well.
Digital Multimeter
Another part of the well inspection and maintenance visit will be to check the electrical performance of the well pump motor. To that end, your professional will need to measure the electrical output of the pump motor using a meter such as a digital multimeter. This meter can help to detect any electrical issues that may need repair.
Well Liner
A well liner reseals a damaged well casing (the vertical pipe or tube that forms a wall to keep the well from collapsing). For instance, if your well casing suffered a belowground crack during an earthquake, your well expert might use a well liner to repair it.
The well liner goes inside the casing and around the cracked area to keep out any contaminants from your well.
Replacement Parts
As you can imagine, replacement well parts are another type of supply that well experts often use when repairing a faulty well or maintaining an old or neglected well.
One common point of failure is the pressure switch. A well expert may simply need to replace the pressure switch to get your well working again. The tank and the pump controller are two other parts your well expert may need to replace.
As you can see, various tools, equipment, and materials can all help your well expert take great care of your well. Whether your well behaves oddly and needs some troubleshooting, whether it just needs a maintenance visit, or whether it's not working at all, call your local well repair expertstoday for a diagnostic and repair visit.